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Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica


28 June 2013 by

Trout Mask Replica is the third album by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band, released in June 1969. Incredible work, the emblem of free improvisation and more rampant monument to the genius of an artist. But, above all, a record that showed how the formal barriers of the "rock" could and should be broken. Listening to Trout Mask Replica is not simple. It 'a traumatic experience for all those who decide to approach the work of Don Van Vliet and his Magic Band. It is a work sprawling and surrealist, apparently without sense: the texts appear illogical, agreements contrast between them, the times appear to be random. It seems that all the musicians play, playing a different tune each other. Mask Replica proposes, without any pretense, a music to listen with another ear and other mental patterns. If you are a person who are looking for catchy music, Trout Mask Replica is not for you.

For Italians:
Trout Mask Replica è il terzo album di Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band, realizzato nel Giugno del 1969. Un’opera incredibile, emblema della più libera improvvisazione e monumento al genio sfrenato di un artista. Ma, soprattutto, un disco che ha dimostrato come le barriere formali del “rock” potevano e dovevano essere infrante. L' ascolto di Trout Mask Replica non è semplice. E’ un’esperienza traumatica per tutti coloro i quali decidono di avvicinarsi al lavoro di Don Van Vliet e la sua Magic Band. E’ un’opera tentacolare e surrealista, apparentemente senza senso: i testi appaiono illogici, gli accordi contrastano tra loro, i tempi sembrano casuali. Pare che tutti i musicisti giochino, suonando ciascuno una melodia diversa dall’altra.Trout Mask Replica propone, senza alcuna pretesa, una musica ascoltata con un altro orecchio e con altri schemi mentali. Se siete le persone che cercano musica orecchiabile non fa al caso vostro.


Side 1

  1. Frownland – 1:41
  2. The Dust Blows Forward 'n the Dust Blows Back – 1:53
  3. Dachau Blues – 2:21
  4. Ella Guru – 2:26
  5. Hair Pie: Bake 1 – 4:58
  6. Moonlight on Vermont – 3:59

Side 2

  1. Pachuco Cadaver – 4:40
  2. Bills Corpse – 1:48
  3. Sweet Sweet Bulbs – 2:21
  4. Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish – 2:25
  5. China Pig – 4:02
  6. My Human Gets Me Blues – 2:46
  7. Dali's Car – 1:26

Side 3

  1. Hair Pie: Bake 2 – 2:23
  2. Pena – 2:33
  3. Well – 2:07
  4. When Big Joan Sets Up – 5:18
  5. Fallin' Ditch – 2:08
  6. Sugar 'n Spikes – 2:30
  7. Ant Man Bee – 3:57

Side 4

  1. Orange Claw Hammer – 3:34
  2. Wild Life – 3:09
  3. She's Too Much for My Mirror – 1:40
  4. Hobo Chang Ba – 2:02
  5. The Blimp (mousetrapreplica) – 2:04
  6. Steal Softly thru Snow – 2:18
  7. Old Fart at Play – 1:51
  8. Veteran's Day Poppy – 4:33

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